
Hi there, welcome to my small blog about technology and information security! A little bit about myself: I am a ‘cyber security’ student and am currently in the last year of my degree. The posts on this blog will mostly be around this topic and technology in general. I’m not yet sure of the format, but I guess that will be a process of trial and error.

I am by no means an expert in information security and it’s not my intention to come across like that. I see this blog as a fun, informal way to research technology topics. And maybe to make some fun python scripts. I am figuring things out about IT as I’m going. This site is not really intended for cyber security experts (although they are welcome) but for people who are simply interested in this topic. People who want to learn about information security in an informal way or want to learn how to improve their personal security.

Thank you for visiting and I hope to see you later!